Dr Amy Munro-Faure
Amy has led climate and sustainability related work at the University of Cambridge since 2018, including the Living Laboratory for Sustainability in the University's Estates Division from 2018-2020. She holds a PhD in Behavioural Science, focused on the evolution of human cooperative behaviour, has worked in climate policy at the Royal Society and has a broad background in biodiversity and conservation research, with an MRes in Biodiversity, Evolution and Conservation from UCL. She is an Associate Fellow of the Linnaean Society.
What is your favourite thing about being part of Cambridge Zero or the University of Cambridge?
I like constantly being challenged to think more deeply about how we can drive a transition to a globally sustainable world.
What do you think is our biggest environmental challenge?
Education! Getting to a place where people globally understand the danger of inaction and have the skills and knowledge to mitigate and adapt to a world that looks very different.
What gets you out of bed (and into work) in the morning?
The people I work with, including the many talented students, and the desire to do something that makes a positive impact in the world.