Leading by example: Supporting ambitious decarbonisation
Cambridge Zero works with the University’s Sustainability Team, the University’s Colleges, the local councils and local interest groups to help coordinate, facilitate and champion a rapid transition to a zero-carbon future.
Reducing direct emissions
We are assessing options to significantly reduce the amount of gas the University uses for space and water heating, and will develop plans to meet our future heat demand through low or zero carbon technologies.
Renewable energy
We are one of a group of 20 UK universities that have joined forces to enter into a power purchase agreement, to secure 20% of our current electricity demand from a UK wind farm. We are assessing the feasibility of developing our own renewables.
Building for success
We are taking steps to ensure that lifecycle costs and carbon are key considerations in decisions relating to our development and refurbishment programme, utilising our own academic expertise in this area wherever possible.
Addressing indirect emissions
We are taking steps to better understand and reduce our indirect emissions, including those from flights, food and our wider supply chain. We will begin setting targets for these emissions this academic year.
Involving staff and students
We are engaging with staff and students through a number of initiatives, including a programme to devolve budgets and responsibility for electricity use to individual departments.
Hospital for zero-carbon future
Cambridge Children’s, a new children’s hospital and research institute with Cambridge University Hospitals and the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation Trust, aims to be an exemplar in carbon reduction as part of its role in providing a safer and more sustainable future for all.
Cambridge Zero also facilitates the University's Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and associated Decarbonisation Network