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Paris Agreement adoption/Credit UNFCCC

What is COP and How Can I Get Involved?

20 May 2024

The University of Cambridge is officially admitted as a non-governmental organisation (NGO) Observer to the COP negotiations, and is eligible to nominate delegates to attend the Intersessional meetings and COPs. This process is coordinated by the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) for the whole university, in collaboration with Cambridge Zero (CZ) and other university partners. Learn how it works here.

Discussing a network of networks at COP27

Reflections on COP27: How can we build better networks among universities?

7 February 2023

Steve Davison, Director of Strategy for Cambridge Zero, is also the International Lead for the UK Universities Climate Network (UUCN). In this post, he shares his experiences from co-convening two workshops at COP27 for senior higher education representatives from around the world to discuss how we can better coordinate our work to support climate action.

COP27 venue

Cambridge at COP: Focus on action and speeding up implementation

2 December 2022

As COP27 wound down in the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, Cambridge kept its focus on action to reach emission goals set in Paris and Glasgow. Throughout the conference, Cambridge Zero, the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) and a host of researchers from across the University of Cambridge played their part in trying to move the agenda. Take a look at Cambridge at COP27.

Africa COP27

COP27 - One week post-COP: Hopes and Failures

25 November 2022

While this year’s conference did not set a new record, it was definitely one of the lengthiest COPs in the UNFCCC’s history – both literally and figuratively speaking. Almost one week since the close of COP27 last Sunday, Freddie looks back at what gave the most hope and where this COP fell short.

Minister Paeniu for Tuvalu

COP27 Day 11+: The Final Results and Closing of COP

20 November 2022

Here, days 11+1 and 2, as COP extends to Sunday morning for the final negotiation wrap-up and closing plenary. With some successes in Loss and Damange funding, there is still lacking in mitigation and fossil fuel phase-out.

Building Contra Costa Centre, CA, USA - Photo by Scott Blake on Unsplash

New Research: COP must reverse rising pessimism over building sector decarbonisation

18 November 2022

The building sector is one of the most important and challenging to decarbonise because it involves a complex overlap of people, places and practices that creates a barrier to designing just emission reduction policies. In a new study led by Cambridge Zero Fellow Ramit Debnath, researchers found that social media engagement with climate policy events is vital to reducing building emissions and ensuring environmental justice.