Cambridge Zero - First Six Months

Cambridge Zero: The First Six Months - A Progress Report

Responding to climate change will require huge changes in the structures of our society. Every sector will need to be reimagined: we will need to change the way we travel, how we live, and even how we measure our prosperity.

Creating a sustainable society poses a great challenge but also a great opportunity. We have a unique chance to create a future which is not only sustainable, but is also resilient, equitable and fair.

It’s important that we view the issue of climate change through the lens of hope rather than despair. We need to approach this problem with optimism, energy, enthusiasm and excitement. If we work together, we can shape a world that we can all be proud to leave as a legacy to future generations.

Cambridge Zero aims to bring together the collective expertise of the University - from science and engineering to law and philosophy - to offer integrated, holistic and practical solutions to climate change and to bring these developments to bear at international, national and local levels.

Since our launch in November 2019, we have been rapidly establishing our place in the wider University environment, making connections wherever we are able to facilitate and enhance research and education opportunities, and coordinating responses to national and international initiatives. Much of this has been achieved from our homes, against the background of the acute global challenge of Covid-19. We should glean what we can from responses to the pandemic and ask how this can be applied to tackling the climate crisis.

This, of course, is just the beginning. We hope you will enjoy finding out what the project has achieved during its first six months of operation and what we plan for the immediate future.

Download the full report here.

The Cambridge Zero Vision:

A resilient and sustainable zero-carbon world is attainable. Universities are central to generating and disseminating the knowledge and ideas that will shape a rapid transition to such a world. They provide interdisciplinary research and innovation, deep and holistic analysis, objective and dispassionate guidance, and equip new generations with the skills to lead change. Focusing on those areas where we can make a significant contribution, and by convening and collaborating with a broad coalition of relevant stakeholders, Cambridge Zero will catalyse a revolution to deliver a positive future.